Advanced Circuits, Inc. (ACI)

As experts in the manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards, we work to make our blog a helpful resource on PCB topics and the industries that we work with, including automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace and many more. Here you'll find insights into PCB design, tech trends, assembly issues, and trending topics in the general news media as they relate to printed circuit board technology.

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Tag Archives: pcb design

PCB Design Software | Blog

Creating printed circuit boards (PCBs) that meet all design requirements can be a highly-technical and time-consuming process – not to mention costly. Design engineers are tasked with turning concept into reality in the shortest time span possible to speed time … Continue reading

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Gerber File Problems and Solutions

What Are Gerber Files, and Why Should PCB Designers Use Them? Printed circuit board (PCB) designers are tasked with creating innovative, functional, and efficient designs for boards to be utilized in a myriad number of products. Some may be very … Continue reading

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Choosing the Right PCB Company

What is Important About Choosing the Right PCB Company? Electronics are taking center stage in a continuously growing variety of industries. From computers and high-performance servers that drive web sites and global enterprises to machine tools utilized throughout industrial sectors … Continue reading

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PCB Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

PCB Mistakes Are Not Uncommon Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are becoming more and more complex while at the same time more critical to technology. PCBs are a basic building block of not only computers and high-tech communications equipment, but are … Continue reading

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High Speed PCB Design Considerations

PCB Layout is Crucial Efficient fabrication of printed circuit boards (PCBs) utilized in high speed circuitry is critical to the end result. Yet often the PCB layout design is not a proactive thought in the process. Advanced planning and adherence … Continue reading

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Common PCB Design Mistakes

Innovative design tools and manufacturing techniques have driven the cost of creating and producing printed circuit boards (PCBs) down considerably in the past few years. But what really adds to the cost of PCB production are errors in the actual … Continue reading

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Advanced Circuits Exhibiting at Del Mar Electronics & Design Show 2016

Join Advanced Circuits at the Del Mar Electronics & Design Show The Advanced Circuits team will be exhibiting at the Del Mar Electronics & Design Show.  A two day event that covers electronic components, fabrication, and other aspects of electronics … Continue reading

Posted in PCB Tradeshows, Printed Circuit Board News, Printed Circuit Boards | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to Avoid CAM Hold: 15 Most common Mistakes

At Advanced Circuits, we treat every PCB order as a time sensitive order, because we know that time is a valuable commodity for our customers.  Going through great lengths to provide valuable resources to make it easy to design your boards, … Continue reading

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Existing Printed Circuit Boards Lead to Future Success

Re-Use PCB Modules for Designing New Products During the research and development process it can be time consuming to start from scratch, especially when working on a tight budget. By taking elements of your existing printed circuit boards and their … Continue reading

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