Advanced Circuits, Inc. (ACI)

As experts in the manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards, we work to make our blog a helpful resource on PCB topics and the industries that we work with, including automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace and many more. Here you'll find insights into PCB design, tech trends, assembly issues, and trending topics in the general news media as they relate to printed circuit board technology.

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Advanced Circuits Explains BGA Requirements for PCBs

When using BGAs, any footprints with 0.5 mm or less require microvias because the pad diameter is not large enough to accommodate mechanical drills. In order to do this, however, the routing must change in order to allow for their … Continue reading

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How to Avoid PCB CAM Hold | Advanced Circuits

When you are in the process of creating Gerber files for your printed circuit board designs, it can sometimes be difficult to accurately reflect what you want manufactured. However, Advanced Circuits has helpful tips to keep in mind that will … Continue reading

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How to Choose a Printed Circuit Board Manufacturer

When you are getting ready to place an order for your circuit boards, there are many factors to take into consideration. First of all, you want to be able to work with a manufacturer that has a proven track record … Continue reading

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PCB Design & Manufacturing – High Frequency Materials | Advanced Circuits

When you are designing printed circuit boards for your application, it is important to use materials that are going to give you the performance you need to make it a success. If you need something specifically for a high frequency, … Continue reading

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Know about PPO/PPE with Help from Advanced Circuits

Learning about the different materials that make up your printed circuit boards will allow you to determine which you find absolutely necessary in order to get the PCBs that you need for your application. This is why Advanced Circuits helps … Continue reading

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Via Tenting for PCBs Available at Advanced Circuits

As devices get thinner and engineers use more surface mount components for their products, it is important to design and produce circuit boards with as close to absolute surface planarity as possible. Via tenting from Advanced Circuits is one of … Continue reading

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How Might Printed Circuit Boards Be Used in Future Televisions?

The invention of PCBs has made a huge impact on the consumer electronics industry, among others. Printed circuit boards allow manufacturers to make their products smaller, more powerful and more efficient. Over time, we have seen television sets go from … Continue reading

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Types of Printed Circuit Board Plating Finishes

When you are in the process of designing your PCBs, you have a lot of decisions to make in order to get the end result that will best work for your application. One of these decisions is choosing which printed … Continue reading

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Ordering Production Volume PCBs from Advanced Circuits

When you need to place an order for a large quantity of printed circuit boards, you want to be sure to work with a manufacturer that offers the highest quality for the PCBs you require. Advanced Circuits makes PCBs that … Continue reading

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PCB Design & Manufacturing – Future of PCBs | Advanced Circuits

It seems nowadays that every few months there is another “product of the future” announced that is going to revolutionize how we live our lives. With advances in technology for consumer products, especially in the transportation and communications fields, we … Continue reading

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