Advanced Circuits, Inc. (ACI)

As experts in the manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards, we work to make our blog a helpful resource on PCB topics and the industries that we work with, including automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace and many more. Here you'll find insights into PCB design, tech trends, assembly issues, and trending topics in the general news media as they relate to printed circuit board technology.

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Nike Using Printed Circuit Boards in LED Basketball Court

When you think of new technology makings its way into the sports landscape, you think of machines that are designed to help athletes get stronger and faster in order to be more successful. However, Nike recently raised the bar when … Continue reading

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PCB Panelization: Tab-Route vs. Score

  When you have a lot of printed circuit boards to order for your business you want to be able to find ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality. Tab-route panelization and scoring are two ways that you can achieve … Continue reading

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Data Formats for Printed Circuit Board Production

  Over the last few years there has been a shift in how engineers and PCB manufacturers share information for printed circuit board orders. The IPC is making a push for a single industry standard that will allow data to … Continue reading

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Printed Circuit Boards Vital in Future of Traffic Control

Driving down the street, you may not give a second though to the traffic lights on nearly every corner. For the past hundred years or so traffic lights have helped control the flow of cars moving through cities in an … Continue reading

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Fitness Tracking for Athletes with Printed Circuit Boards

  In addition to consumer electronics and industrial applications that support growth in our economy, printed circuit boards help scientists and doctors understand more about our health and how we live as human beings. A rising trend for using technology … Continue reading

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Protecting Printed Circuit Boards from Surges

Protecting the components on your printed circuit boards from the elements is important in order to maintain the standards you set for quality and performance. Most protection on PCBs is used to guard against the elements such as high temperatures … Continue reading

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High Performance PCB Design & Manufacturing | Military Applications – Advanced Circuits

According to an article published by Technology Review, electronic items in U.S. homes are estimated to have used 12 percent less energy in 2013 than they did in 2010. This is significant because during the same time frame nearly a … Continue reading

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Recycling Printed Circuit Boards and Other Electronics

Driving around the city you may see signs advertising electronics disposal drives. While it is extremely important to recycle old electronics and printed circuit boards, it is important to understand how to properly dispose of these materials in order to … Continue reading

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Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing – PCB Finishes | Advanced Circuits

You may think that the surface finish of your printed circuit board only plays a small role in the cost of your project. However, the finish you choose for your PCB can have significant effects on the quality of your … Continue reading

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The Benefits of PCB Panelization

During the printed circuit board production process, ensuring that each board is uniform is essential. Without uniformity, some boards may not meet the requirements of its intended application and will therefore be discarded. As circuit boards become smaller, changes to … Continue reading

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