Advanced Circuits, Inc. (ACI)

As experts in the manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards, we work to make our blog a helpful resource on PCB topics and the industries that we work with, including automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace and many more. Here you'll find insights into PCB design, tech trends, assembly issues, and trending topics in the general news media as they relate to printed circuit board technology.

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Will Engineers Be Able to Read Robots’ Minds?

Sure, it is easy to build a robot and program it to carry out routine tasks. But what happens when you increase the sophistication of the technology and it is able to make decisions for itself based on its environment? … Continue reading

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PCBs for Car Computers

Even if you are an engineer and know the inner workings inside and out, even your computer at home will fail from time to time. Whether it is from overheating or programming errors computer troubles can cause headaches and significant … Continue reading

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Customizing Printed Circuit Boards and Consumer Electronics

A growing trend in consumer electronics is the desire of the customer to get a customized product tailored to their individual needs. This is either accomplished with a completely custom product that is built from the ground up, such as … Continue reading

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Printed Circuit Boards and Drones in Military Use

You’ve read about them everywhere and you may have even seen a few in the sky near your home. Drones are growing in popularity among average consumers, but for now their usage is limited to photography and videography and little … Continue reading

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Potential Trends Found at PCB West 2014

The PCB West Conference & Exhibition, a major tradeshow for the printed circuit board design and manufacturing industry, took place in Santa Clara, California, at the beginning of September. PCB West is a great place for manufacturers and designers to … Continue reading

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New Smartphone Components Lead to Printed Circuit Board Improvements

  Every year, new smartphones and portable devices hit the market promising to take customers to the next level in terms of functionality and features. This is most notable for consumers when they hold and use their new devices, but … Continue reading

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Is Robotics Replacing the “Human Element” for Printed Circuit Boards?

  Although robotics is undoubtedly helping advance society and unlock new possibilities with technology, there is a debate taking place about whether or not this is a good thing. The question arises when manufacturing printed circuit boards, as more and … Continue reading

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What Recent Vehicle Recalls Say about Printed Circuit Boards

You hear the story every so often on the news that a major automobile manufacturer is recalling vehicles due to an unforeseen malfunction that can make the car unsafe. From faulty accelerators to headlights that short circuit, there are many … Continue reading

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Recycling Printed Circuit Boards in the Future

According to an article by The Guardian, there were more than 1.8 billion mobile phones purchased worldwide in 2013. However, it is projected that only three percent of these devices will be recycled. Whether consumers are opting to just throw … Continue reading

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DIY Electronics Projects Using Printed Circuit Boards

  They say that necessity is the mother of invention. However, some of the greatest steps forward in society have been taken when things are discovered accidentally. It is a thrill for students, hobbyists and professionals to tinker with their … Continue reading

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