Advanced Circuits, Inc. (ACI)

As experts in the manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards, we work to make our blog a helpful resource on PCB topics and the industries that we work with, including automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace and many more. Here you'll find insights into PCB design, tech trends, assembly issues, and trending topics in the general news media as they relate to printed circuit board technology.

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Existing Printed Circuit Boards Lead to Future Success

Re-Use PCB Modules for Designing New Products During the research and development process it can be time consuming to start from scratch, especially when working on a tight budget. By taking elements of your existing printed circuit boards and their … Continue reading

Posted in PCB Development, PCB Finishes, PCB Manufacturing, Printed Circuit Boards | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Advanced Circuits Exhibiting at The 2015 MD&M West Trade Show – Anaheim, CA

Come See Us At The 2015 MD&M West Trade Show! Booth # 677 February 10 – 12, 2015 Anaheim Convention Center – Anaheim California —————————————————— GET A $100 CERTIFICATE! See us at our booth for your $100 certificate to use … Continue reading

Posted in PCB Manufacturing, PCB Tradeshows, Printed Circuit Boards | Leave a comment

Are Smaller Printed Circuit Boards Actually Better?

Miniaturization is the name of the game for electronics companies these days. As new devices in all industries are announced, the race is on to create something even smaller and more powerful. However, does having smaller printed circuit boards in … Continue reading

Posted in PCB Materials, PCB Quality, Printed Circuit Boards | Leave a comment

Printed Circuit Boards in Commercial Aviation

Not only are military and space applications requiring enhanced printed circuit boards, commercial aviation companies need specialized PCBs to deliver consistency, performance, and reliability. As the amount of electronic devices used in commercial aircraft continues to grow, integrated devices and … Continue reading

Posted in Aerospace PCB, Commercial PCB, Printed Circuit Boards | Leave a comment

Epoxy Laminates and Printed Circuit Boards

For years, epoxy laminates and glass fiber have been the foundation of the printed circuit boards in use throughout the world. In essence, these materials make up the green board that houses the components, resistors and connections needed to run … Continue reading

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Balancing Quality with Cost for Printed Circuit Boards

As an engineer you are given an important task for every project you work on. You must be able to find the balance between the quality of your printed circuit boards and their cost. While you can save money for … Continue reading

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How to Become an Electrical Engineer

As you continue on your collegiate career, it may seem difficult to choose one field that you want to specialize in. If you’ve spent a lot of time growing up building robots and computers or even designing new products that … Continue reading

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Power Sources for Printed Circuit Boards

One of the most important obstacles that you are faced with when designing your printed circuit boards is finding an adequate power source. This will obviously differ depending on the application, whether it is in medical equipment, automobiles or consumer … Continue reading

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Printed Circuit Boards in Emergency Scenarios

In addition to developing the latest and greatest tech products for both consumer and business use, engineers continue to work on new ways to assist with emergency response and safety applications. Printed circuit boards are not only helping first responders … Continue reading

Posted in Development, Expanded Capabilities, Printed Circuit Boards | Leave a comment

Printed Circuit Board and Tech Trends for 2015

The end of 2014 is upon us and organizations are getting ready to unveil their product lines for the next year. Consumers are anxiously waiting to see the new technology that will debut and how companies are improving upon their … Continue reading

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