Advanced Circuits, Inc. (ACI)

As experts in the manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards, we work to make our blog a helpful resource on PCB topics and the industries that we work with, including automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace and many more. Here you'll find insights into PCB design, tech trends, assembly issues, and trending topics in the general news media as they relate to printed circuit board technology.

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PCB – Printed Circuit Board Fun Projects for Kids | Advanced Circuits

At Advanced Circuits we take pride in sponsoring youth science competitions and we offer students discounts on PCBs for use in their engineering projects. We also keep an eye out for fun ways that young people can learn more about … Continue reading

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High Tech High Robotics Unveils Their Latest Robot | Sponsored in part by Advanced Circuits

Advanced Circuits is proud to sponsor High Tech High Robotics in their latest creation, the DAISY QUICKSTEP, equipped with Advanced Circuits’ top quality precision  printed circuit boards that ensure powerful performance and reliability.   The team will be competing at … Continue reading

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Precision in PCB Assembly

When working with electronics and such small components during PCB assembly, having the right touch is essential. A simple miscue such as a component not being placed in an exact spot can ruin the entire board and force the process … Continue reading

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Advanced Circuits Profiled in 2015 Progress Colorado Guide

The Denver Post’s 2015 edition of Progress Colorado presents a positive picture of the strength and innovation across 16 industries. Aerospace, biosciences, energy, financial services, and technology are just a few of the fields showing vigorous growth in this state. … Continue reading

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Innovation Spotlight: Let’s Make Robots!

It’s our pleasure to sponsor student projects and competitions and we offer special student rates on PCBs to help you make your project ideas a reality. Another way that we like to help students realize their aspirations as future engineers … Continue reading

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Is Waterproofing for Printed Circuit Boards Near?

Consumer electronics and professional devices have come a long way since the turn of the century in terms of both hardware capabilities and available features. With better battery life and faster processing, smartphones have quickly become a necessity for nearly … Continue reading

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Developing Printed Circuit Board Designers

Ever since the printed circuit boards in use today were first developed, the need for expert PCB designers has been great. In the early days, PCB design specialists worked on perfecting boards and finding new ways to add features and … Continue reading

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B2B Points to Growth for Printed Circuit Boards

The PCB industry is constantly fluctuating, as manufacturers and assemblers work to fill the needs of device makers. As such, it is not surprising to see times when overall orders for printed circuit boards are down. Despite shipments in North … Continue reading

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Advanced Circuits: Broad-based technical expertise fuels growth across markets

Progress Colorado | 2015 Business and Economic Guide – The Denver Post John Yacoub is particularly proud that Advanced Circuits keeps jobs in the United States, has never laid off an employee, offers workers a monthly profit-sharing plan and rapidly … Continue reading

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Developing Efficient Printed Circuit Boards and Batteries for Vehicles

Safe & Reliable Power Sources – The Role of PCB Boards A lot of focus in recent years has been on developing long-lasting and environmentally friendly power sources for cars, trucks and other vehicles. This includes for electric bicycles and … Continue reading

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