Advanced Circuits, Inc. (ACI)

As experts in the manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards, we work to make our blog a helpful resource on PCB topics and the industries that we work with, including automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace and many more. Here you'll find insights into PCB design, tech trends, assembly issues, and trending topics in the general news media as they relate to printed circuit board technology.

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Category Archives: PCB Manufacturing

Benefits of Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards | Blog

Most PCB manufacturers are finding the demand for multilayer boards increasing by leaps and bounds. This growing demand is fed by the need for smaller, lighter boards for use in electrical devices, military equipment, healthcare miniaturization, and an expanding market … Continue reading

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Join Us at MD&M West – The World’s Largest Annual Medtech Event

REGISTER TO ATTEND» AURORA, CO – Advanced Circuits™, North America’s third largest printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer, will exhibit at the MD&M West tradeshow – booth #2075.  The company will showcase its portfolio of PCB manufacturing solutions for the unique … Continue reading

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Surface Mount Technology Advantages for Unique PCB’s | Blog

PCB Surface Mount Technology Surface Mount Technology (SMT) adds to the benefits of manufacturing boards more efficiently and with reduced weight for multiple reasons: Components are placed directly on the board surface rather than connecting through holes in the board … Continue reading

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What is Surface Mount Technology?

Surface Mount Technology (SMT) is the widely-used alternative to older through-hole (TH) printed circuit board design and manufacturing practices. While TH fabrication still has its place, SMT has largely taken over where size, weight, and automated manufacturing processes are considerations. … Continue reading

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High Density Interconnected PCBs (HDI)

 What Is Different About HDI PCBs? High Density Interconnected printed circuit boards (HDI PCB) have made technological advancements in electronics possible. They have been referred to under a variety of names: Sequence Build Up (SBU), Microvia Process (MVP), and Build … Continue reading

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Laser Direct Imaging in PCB Manufacturing

  How Does LDI Work? LDI processing requires a board with a photosensitive surface, positioned under a computer-controlled laser. A computer scans the board surface into a raster image. Matching the raster image to a pre-loaded CAD/CAM design file that … Continue reading

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Printed Circuit Boards and Green Energy

How do Printed Circuit Boards Relate to Green Energy? Printed circuit boards are turning up in an exponentially-expanding number of products including: Industrial equipment including machine tools and CAD/CAM systems Computers and peripheral devices Smartphones, tablets, and wearable technology such … Continue reading

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Choosing the Right PCB Company

What is Important About Choosing the Right PCB Company? Electronics are taking center stage in a continuously growing variety of industries. From computers and high-performance servers that drive web sites and global enterprises to machine tools utilized throughout industrial sectors … Continue reading

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The Many Aspects of Wearables and Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)

Wearables are becoming more and more omnipresent in the lives of the everyday consumer. With the Apple Watch, the Galaxy Gear, the Fitbit and many others, customers are finding out exactly what wearable technology can do for them. This is … Continue reading

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5 Reasons Single-Company PCB Management Is Best

There are a great deal of reasons why one would decide to go with a single-company manager for all of their PCB management needs. The following are five of the biggest reasons that a business should choose a single-company PCB … Continue reading

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