Advanced Circuits, Inc. (ACI)

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Category Archives: PCB Design

Accelerate Circuit Board Development with This Free PCB Design Software

Advanced Circuits offers an array of helpful tools and services to help accelerate the design, ordering, and production of printed circuit boards.  From our innovative services like quick-turn prototype PCB fabrication as fast as same day and weekend turns, to … Continue reading

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Why Use PCB Artist for Printed Circuit Board Layout?

There are many PCB layout software packages in the market.  Some are very costly and provide advanced layout features and tools.  There are also free PCB layout software available which often come with limitations to its PCB layout capabilities.  Determining … Continue reading

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Printed Circuit Board Gerber Files

Gerber files are a key piece to the puzzle for manufacturing printed circuit boards.  They contain all the necessary data that a PCB manufacture will require to produce the boards to your exact specifications accurately.  Advanced Circuits offers free tools … Continue reading

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Key Printed Circuit Board Design Terminology

Printed circuit boards are packed with different features and elements that make their design and functionality unique for their particular application.  In this post we list key printed circuit board design terms that are commonly used in the electronic design … Continue reading

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Printed Circuit Board Design Tips For Beginners

Printed circuit board design is never an easy process, but you can always count on Advanced Circuits to help you at every step of the way.  We provide free tools that can help you identify issues in your printed circuit … Continue reading

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Printed Circuit Board Design Tips To Help Reduce Costs

Helping our customers reduce the cost of their printed circuit board projects is always a top priority.  Advanced Circuits makes it easy to understand the pricing factors within our quoting structure to help printed circuit board design engineers stay within … Continue reading

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How to Check Gerber Files for Issues or Missing Data Prior to Manufacturing

Gerber files are the industry’s preferred file format for manufacturing printed circuit boards.  Most PCB design software has the ability to output the design data in Gerber format to represent a design’s copper layer images, solder mask, legend, and drill … Continue reading

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Tips On Exporting The Right Files From Your PCB Design Software

In order for most PCB manufacturers to be able to fabricate your PCB design, Gerber files are required. Below we have listed some tips on the types of files that need to be exported from your PCB design software. Keep … Continue reading

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